How to get people to buy hybrid cars? This is a science, and it has nothing to do with technology,or saving the earth. The hybrid car companies see this as a business, and as a business it needs marketing.
While sex sells most things, a girl in a bikini is not the right stimuli.
While celebrities are great for causes and charities, Leonardo or Larry David don't touch us the same.
What did ford use to get your interest and to appeal to you? They went back and touched your childhood. How dare they? They went for your love of kermit the frog. So sweet and so GREEN.
The only ones to get away with this stunt, must have deep pockets. Kermit does not come cheap. He can't exactly drive around if ford gave him a escape hybrid.
The results to this are still out, will kermit help sell the ford escape hybrid? (even though it only gets 34 MPG)